Wesley Cash
Vice President of Services at Noria Corporation

Ing. CIP Johnny Chirinos
Consultor Tecnico at Cotriman

Durval DaSilva Filho
Maintenance Technician at TMX Aerospace

Michael D. Holloway
President at 5th Order Industry

Timothy Hubert
Reliability Technician at Kensing Solutions LLC

Greg Romer
Technical Specialist at Hydrocarbon Program Consultancy

Martin Williamson
Lubrication Expert at KEW Engineering Ltd.
By admin, September 6, 2023 | Many certified practitioners have chosen to pursue career advancement with Level 2 certifications. And many more would also consider making that leap to Level 2 if only they could gain a little more insight into the value proposition found there, along with some encouragement to visualize themselves on that path. So, we reached out to industry experts and consultant members who hold Level 2 certifications through ICML—either MLT II (Machinery Lubrication Technician) or MLA II (Machine Lubricant Analyst)—and we asked them to share why they pursued these second-level credentials at all, and what has been the impact on both their organizations and their careers.
Plant Services Magazine recently published our findings from these seven contributors (shown above) in an “Ask the Experts” feature…
Article linked here with permission of “Plant Services Magazine”