ICML 55® Standard
for Lubricated Asset ManagementAs the world-class authority on machinery lubrication that advances the optimization of asset reliability, utilization and costs, ICML introduced lubrication-specific standards in 2019 that spell out requirements and guidelines for effective, audit-ready, certifiable management of lubricated mechanical assets. Collectively known as ICML 55, these standards are strategically aligned to ISO 55000 and are intended to support an organization’s physical asset management plans.
Available now
ICML 55.0 “Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets Overview”
Available Now
ICML 55.1:2019 “Requirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets”
available now
ICML 55.2 “Guideline for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets”
ICML 55.3 “Assessors’ Conformance Guideline”
ICML 55.0 “Overview”
• Order from publisher
• English (hard cover or PDF eBook)ICML 55.1 “Requirements”
• Order from publisher
• New, smaller size matches other ICML 55 books
• English (hard cover or PDF eBook)ICML 55.2 “Guideline”
• Order from publisher
• English (hard cover or PDF eBook)Visit the order page* for publisher prices.
ICML 55.1 “Requirements”
in Spanish or Portuguese is still available
direct from ICML here until further notice:
• Original layout (66 full color pages)
• Spanish (soft cover or PDF eBook)
• Portuguese (PDF eBook only)
• $100 bulk price still available
Co-authored by an international team of 45 technical contributors, ICML 55.1 introduces the reader to a detailed, practical consensus of lubrication management systems and processes applicable to the effective management of lubricated physical assets.
The adoption of ICML 55.1 requirements, as augmented by ICML 55.2 guidelines, will enable an organization to achieve its objectives of effectively and efficiently managing its physical lubrication and lubricant asset policies, strategies, and plans. It identifies and defines requirements for what should be done—while ICML 55.2 explains how to do it—thus allowing for much customization to each organization’s needs.
While intended to align with ISO 55001, the ICML 55.1 Standard is entirely the work product and exclusive intellectual property of ICML and is neither explicitly nor implicitly endorsed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or any other standards body.
Any machinery-rich facility (see “Who Can Benefit?” below) can get started right away with ICML 55.1 to prepare its lubrication management plans, and implementing those plans has been made infinitely easier now that its companion documents—ICML 55.0 Overview and ICML 55.2 Guideline—became available in early August 2023.
Ordering after August 2023
Now that we have transitioned to our new publications, you may order any of these three standards directly from our publisher, starting with the “ICML 55 Series” landing page linked below. Available in hard cover or PDF formats.
* PLEASE NOTE: When placing your first order at River Publishers, you will be required to set up a free account there.
Video: Making Sense of the ICML 55.1 Standard
The ICML 55.1 Standard actually comes with instructions! Through a series of questions and answers, ICML Marketing Manager Paul Hiller lays out a helpful perspective about how to apply this standard, emphasizing that it is already structured to be much more than the sum of its technical recommendations. (This means that googling the Internet as an alternative to using this standard is not a practical way to spend your time.)
Video: Understanding ICML 55.1
ICML Board Chairman Bryan Johnson presented a session at the 2019 Machinery Lubrication Conference, “Understanding the New Asset Management Standard for Lubricated Machinery.” In this video, he explains ICML 55.1’s relevance, showing how and why it is structured specifically to help an organization establish a consistent system that increases any lubrication program’s likelihood of sustainability.
A FEW informative podcast episodes…
At SMRP conference in October 2023, Paul Hiller (ICML Marketing Manager) sat with Scott MacKenzie, host of Industrial Talk, who posed several really good questions about the relevance of ICML 55 Standard—not only in the machine reliability space but also within the scope of ICML’s lubrication-centric mission. You will hear why the ICML 55.1 exists at all, how it necessarily bridges the information gap, and how ICML certifications essentially function as “standards” themselves for individual practitioners. Give this a listen, or watch the video if you wish to see Paul’s hand gestures and props! RUNNING TIME = 16:23
In September 2023 Kenneth Bannister (ICML 55 Program Director) and Paul Hiller (ICML Marketing Manager) visited with River Publishers’ Commissioning Editor Ana Koren about the purpose and application of the complete ICML 55 Standard, explaining how the ICML 55 documents work together strategically to provide easy-to-follow guidance across twelve auditable areas, all written in practical, lubrication-specific language. RUNNING TIME = 20:22
Paul Hiller and ICML Board Member Kenneth Bannister, MLE, are featured in the April 20, 2023, episode of “Lubrication Explained” podcast, hosted by Rafe Britton, MLE. Among other things, they discuss the progression from 55.1 requirements to 55.2 guidelines and how everything about ICML 55 Standard prepares a facility’s program for audit. RUNNING TIME = 42:13
ICML’s Paul Hiller is featured in the Sept. 9, 2021, “Maintenance Disrupted” Podcast, where he and host Blair Fraser share a practical chat about how to read, comprehend, and apply the ICML 55.1 Standard, “Requirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Physical Assets.” RUNNING TIME = 22:31
VIEW sample pages from ICML 55.1:2019 (original layout)

Table of Contents

Excerpt #1

Excerpt #2

Excerpt #3
Furthermore, we have intentionally aligned our new Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE)® certification very closely with the structure of the ICML 55 Standard. MLE exams started in mid-April 2019, and certificants will be uniquely equipped to guide organizations toward ICML 55 audits and certification as a tactical step toward ISO 55001 certification.
Who can benefit from ICML 55.1?
Supported by its ICML 55.2 guideline document, ICML 55.1 is intended for use by leaders and practitioners who are pursuing optimal organizational value as described by ISO 55001:

Asset Planners
People who establish, implement, maintain, and improve lubrication managements systems

Asset Practitioners
People who plan, design, implement, and review lubrication management activities, including contractual resources, service providers, and advisors

Asset-Rich Businesses
Any entity that manages a substantial base of lubricated physical assets, particularly rotating & reciprocating machines, powertrains, and hydraulic systems, including their lubricated subcomponents
What kinds of physical assets are covered by ICML 55?
Rotating and reciprocating machines, powertrains, and hydraulic systems as well as their lubricated subcomponents
Assets with lubricants that reduce friction, wear, corrosion, heat generation and energy consumption and/or to facilitate the transfer of mechanical energy for accomplishing work

Finished products derived from API categories I-V, e.g., motor oils, hydraulic fluids, general lubricating or circulating oils, brake fluids, chain/wire rope lubricants, gear oils, food-grade lubricants, lubricating greases, etc.
Non-machinery support assets, e.g., personnel, policies & procedures, storage facilities, and management
What kinds of fluids and materials are not included?
Fuels, coolants, metal-working fluids, pastes, fogging agents, preservative fluids, coating materials, heat-transfer fluids, brake fluids, cosmetic lubricants
Solid lubricants (e.g., powders and surface treatments used as coating rather than to reduce friction between surfaces in motion)
Additives independent of the finished lubricant
Electrical transformer oils and anti-seize compounds
Fluids and materials derived from a petroleum or petroleum-like base
Fluids that do not serve a lubrication function

Order the Complete ICML 55 Standard today
You can now order the complete series (ICML 55.0 and ICML 55.1 and ICML 55.2) in hard cover or eBook (PDF) format directly from our publisher. (On your first order, you will be asked to set up a free account on their site.)
Order original ICML 55.1:2019 translations
Meanwhile, during Q4 of 2023, Spanish and Portuguese versions of ICML 55.1 “Requirements” Standard (in the original layout) will still be available directly from ICML in soft cover or PDF, until further notice.
view and print the ICML 55 / MLE brochure
Our brochure provides an overview of ICML 55 scope and MLE certification requirements, including the MLE body of knowledge and a list of technical contributors to both initiatives.