by admin, ICML, November 7, 2019 | Since our inception in 2001, ICML has certified thousands and thousands of front-line, shop-floor practitioners as machine lubricant analysts, machinery lubrication technicians, and laboratory lubricant analysts. For all these years, such certified professionals have been allowed only to display their industry designations with certification “marks,” those three-letter acronyms (MLA, MLT, and LLA) placed alongside their names.

Not until the introduction of our machinery lubrication engineer (MLE®) certification in April 2019 did we offer a corresponding logo mark, a stamp that visually communicates the MLE certificant’s status–not to mention it has the added benefit of actually spelling out what “MLE” stands for,

We actually codified our logo usage in a stylebook earlier this year, with the intention of developing logos for our entire lineup of certifications. So, now you can see them in the header graphic of this post, as well as on the individual descriptor pages of our exam site. We also revised our certificate layouts to accommodate generic versions of these logos, so recent candidates have already been seeing them in use. But now every holder of a valid, current ICML certification can use the corresponding logo on their own email signatures and business cards. Additional usage guidelines are spelled out in the stylebook.

For now, we do not have a process to safeguard online downloads, so if you want to use one of these logos, just email a request to Then, after we verify your certification status, we will email you the appropriate logo file(s).